• Waterfall has traditionally been seen as a reliable approach for developing manufactured products, while the software industry moved on with agile methodologies. Two decades later, the agile approach is trending in many industries including those focused on physical, hardware-based products, bringing the scope for innovation and twenty years of learning to all types of product […]

  • Agile has completely transformed how software companies operate, develop, and deliver software products. Gradually, industries are realizing the positive impact. Working as per customer behavior to deliver products faster, take early feedback and iterate changes, operate as per the trends, and enhance performance is becoming the norm today. And the result? According to a recent […]

  • Introducing a new product into the market can be a daunting prospect, and one true sign of success comes from returning customers and satisfactory ROI. While launching a new product, you are not only looking at the potential issues you might encounter after it launches in the market but also considering the risks and hurdles […]